GitHub Contribution Graph Not Showing!!!

GitHub Contribution Graph Not Showing!!!


2 min read

As you all know GitHub is a website and cloud-based service that helps developers store and manage their code, as well as track and control changes to their code. But sometimes Our commits don't show on the contribution Graph. In My account, the contributions were only shown when repositories which newly created and the commits that I have made other than making repositories were missing. Let's go through some issues and the solution for fixing this thing.

What was the issue !!!

In My case, the issue was with the email address that is connected to your account on The mail id which I had in my local was not as same as that. I missed in my id that was the issue or maybe a spelling mistake or something.

How to Fix This Thing..!

First, you have you have to check if the credential you provided when pushing to the git hub is correct or not.

  • To find the current credential which is connected, open your terminal and use the following command
git config --list

Check if are you using the correct credential

  • To Update the credential run the following code.

$ git config --global "YourName"
$ git config --global ""
  • Check if the credentials are updated or not
git config --list


This article was something unplanned. I had this issue so I thought if I write this someone will get help. I hope this article helps you. Thanks for reading
